Awaken parents, teachers, leaders, – the saving for Autism, ADHD, Failure, Depression, Suicide, Mental illness and other problems learned from the conversations of the Old
Part I: State of Mind: Stress and Happiness. 1. What happens in the body when we are in the happy state? Table 1: the symptoms of excessive dopamine References: 2. What is happening when we are under stress? Table 2: Side effects of three stress chemicals Serious side effects cortisol Table 3: bad effects of short-term stress on body, mind, and performance Table 4: The effects of long-term stress Table 5: The early warning signs of mental disorders are also the symptoms of stress Table 6: The most symptoms of stress that we can find in many patients Table 7: The symptoms of Cushing's syndrome, adrenal insufficiency, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia Table 8: The symptoms of epilepsy, fibromyalgia, and depression References: Part II: The Potential of Brain: Intuitive Mind and Gut Feelings 3. How people and experts talk about gut feelings? References: 4. Review structure of the human brain References: 5. Multiple Intelligences References: 6. Immeasurable phenomena in one single fact References: 7. Mirror neuron, sleep, and EEG References: Part III: Hologram: Brain, Mind, Body, Physical Heath, and Ego 8. New understanding of telepathy References: 9. The universe is a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram of interconnected phenomena We are interdependence for our happiness The real world around us Yin and Yang theory Taijitu. Table 9: Yin and Yang in all phenomena First is Socrates: Second is Jim Rhon: The third is Adolf Hitler. Fourth is Michael Jackson. Fifth are the kings and warriors Sixth are you. Seventh is an imagined story. References: 10. A new philosophy of relation between brain, mind, body, physical health, ego Mind, body, health, life, and environment. Questions to ponder to help people gain wisdom and enlightenment The story of selflessness and emptiness: 11. Outliers: a new level of brain, mind, physical body, and health References: Part IV: Conditioned Responses 12. All things we have are the results of conditioned responses 13. Beliefs, religions, taboos and conditioned responses Table 10: food, animals, religions and conditioned responses The weird traditions and strange customs Some Japanese customs that are shocking to foreign travelers from business insider Unusual death rituals References: 14. The brief history of humankind Cosmic calendar Evolution of life on Earth The start of human evolution is on the last day of the year of the Cosmic calendar: Begin with human history is the last second in the New Year’s Eve of the Cosmic calendar. The current second of the cosmic calendar Facts of human history reveal mysterious of humankind: Table 11: Some religions in the world The relation between religion and committed suicide References: 15. Obsessing with characters and concepts of living environment, we forget who we are Raised by monkeys in Colombia Raised by goats in Russia Raised by feral cats and dogs in Siberia Raised by wild cats in Argentina Raised by wild dogs in Chile Raised by wolves in India A. You Table 12: relativities between human being, cell, atom, electron, earth, solar system and the Milky Way B. Other people: C. The World is a giant hologram of interdependent phenomena International System of Units References: 16. Hysteria and conditioned responses References: 17. The relation between mental problems, environment, and conditioned responses Definition and understanding of mental disorders How living environment and adult people can create changes in children? References: Part V: Belief System, Obsessed Desires, and the Work of Potential Brain 18. Coding the mind, the role of practicing in learning skills Conditioned driving Negative self-talk 19. The brain with obsessed desires Human needs explaining by Abraham Maslow: Human needs explained by Tony Robbins What do these human needs mean? 20. What influence the belief system of individuals? The wrong opinions of a child may become the child’s belief The good opinions of a child may become the child’s belief 21. The work of the potential mind The need of more A right understanding of adjectives The teaching of great men about the misery that needs may bring Table 13: The videos on help people understand the needs of human beings. The top ten leading cause of America References Part VI: Real Hunger in Abundance Living and Countless Problems 22. The real hunger of modern people and its consequences Table 14: The four causes of human problems Picture 1: the influence of environment on the state of mind of the individual Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by: Table 15: Basic symptoms of autism accompanied by other medical conditions References: 23. The real cause of mental problems and social problems in older kids Deeply communal, family oriented, friendly, kept these people healthy Key Finding of Mental Health in the United States 24. Still ignoring? Autoimmune diseases and suicides are inevitable Table 16: Relief uncomfortable and best-selling OTC drugs in Britain in 2015 Table 17: The top best-selling groups of the over-the-counter and natural supplements in the United States in 2016 Table 18: The top ten medications by sales in America are Brand with an active ingredient Cost Total national health expenditures of America in 2015 are $ 3200 billion. What do these numbers mean? The power of the focusing the mind, the power of thinking Table 19: Summarization of some autoimmune diseases Table 20: Relation between signs of autoimmune disease and stress “The tragedies do not happen to me; I do not care” A. Stars and Famous people who committed suicide B. Some Millionaire businessmen who committed suicide C. Famous people who have battled drug addiction and alcoholism References: Part VII: Game of Mind Masters 25. God does not bless any of human beings. Table 21: The cost of human life in the human World War II 26. The killing of Jews 27. Some are cheated and coded Raping Women’s hell - Please bless them! How have women and men been code? 28. Worst of the worst: concepts in the funeral rituals Sati Self-Mummification - Buddhist mummies The Viking Funeral: heaven or hell? 29. The karma we have created for ourselves Unfortunately, intelligent human beings are wrong. 30. God does not need their blood to wash the human sins. Famous assassination in history 31. Our gods, our Holy spirits also died because of the ignorance of his people The death of Jesus: Death of Nguyen Trai (1380 - 1442) The Death of Socrates Death of Maudgalyayana 32. How are some coded? Table 22: Their farewells of warriors 33. How did Hitler seduce the mind of millions people and soldiers? The answer can find in his quotes: References: Part VIII: A Stressed World with Rainbow of Stress 34. Stress syndrome and the rainbow of stress 35. The geographical of diseases in the world Cardiovascular diseases in Europe: Cardiovascular diseases in Canada: Cardiovascular diseases in China: Cardiovascular diseases in the United States and its characters: Why Japanese men have far less heart disease than American men do? The problem of Japan Stress and diseases in Animals: 36. The stressed world How factors: love, connection, ability, and stressful environment affect the longevity? In nursing home: Alarming the distribution of stress results all over the world: Seasonal stress in the developed world Cancer and seasonal stress because of stressed mind in the United States. Table 23: Top 10 American children’s health concerns, 2011 Seasonal stress in America American misery index of 2014 searched on the Google The rhythm of stress during the week: The South African Stress and Health (SASH) study The problem of the rich: substance abuse Season of stress, not the season of heat and cold kills people Worldwide Facts The top five countries with the highest rates of heart disease deaths are: The top five countries with the lowest rates of heart disease deaths are: Rainbow of stress Heal thyself Table 24: Attributions of cause and recurrence in long-term breast cancer survivors, 2001 37. Nature does not answer or revenge human beings 38. The hidden correlation References: Part IX: Paradoxes of Mind and the Science of Achievement 39. Real learning Table 25: The process of learning 40. What do create human beings? 41. Paradoxes of the mind Psychology focus on paradoxes of the mind to overcome it How do we rule the mind? The miracle of nature: 42. The science of achievement: mastering the mind by goals, visions, virtues, and principles From reward and punishment to achievement: Part X: The Art of Happiness: Emotional Management and Meditation 43. Mastering the mind by mastering the emotion Table 26: Differences between ordinary people and successful people Some powerful techniques to control emotions A. The first way is to remove the personal assumption B. The second way is the power of time. C. The third way to control emotion can find in Buddha’s and Confucius teaching. D. The fourth way to control emotion is by taking action. 44. The role of meditation to have healthy, happy life Picture 2: sitting postures of meditation A. Buddhism meditation B. Simple mediation practices for busy people: C. Mindfulness prevents us from making mistakes D. People may be lead to crazy emotion if they lack mindfulness Mindful reading to emotional management Part XI: Teaching of the Old 45. The teachings of Buddha Higher Buddhism meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh and Zen masters How to stop greed, hatred, and anger The Noble eightfold Paths: eight right Sixteen breaths in Buddhism meditation taught by Thich Nhat Hanh A. Contemplation of the body B. Contemplation of feelings C. Contemplation of the mind D. Contemplation of mental phenomena- mental states Seven Factors of Enlightenment 46. Understand the teaching of the old, great men from their quotes Mother Teresa taught: Masters teach: Table 27: Discretionary spending 2015 of America 47. The Gods and religions have taught us. Table 28: Core teaching of some religions 48. The teaching of Lao Tzu, Aesop, and Socrates: Te Tao Ching Lao Tzu Quotes: Teaching of Aesop Teaching of Socrates 49. The teaching of Benjamin Franklin Thirteen virtues 50. Educators taught about the miracle of mind, principles, and lifelong learning The United States Constitution Six basic principles of government are Teaching of Stephen Covey: seven habits of highly effective people, Earl Nightingale: teaching the thinking Jim Rohn's quotes: twenty of his greatest life-changing thoughts and personal development 51. The teaching of Dalai Lama 52. The teaching of educators about the education Revising the formal education from the educators The world needs great teachers; whoever has these ten characters: 53. We are the creators of our lives and the creators of our children The journey of finding “Why” Looking, watching and contemplating Table 29: The relation between abilities, problems, and stress 54. Time to create heaven on earth Part XII: Questions, Answers, and some advice 1. The ten effective ways to help children with problems 2. Love is the verb, right understanding is unconditional love, how to get the right understanding? 3. Problem-solving skills: are you learning the root or learning tops? New view 4. How do parents affect their children? 5. I AM SORRY VICTIMS, WE ARE WRONG. |
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