Understand the teaching of the old, great men from their quotes
Allin one, one in all
Children in family, family in children
Family in nation, nation in family
There is no separation.
When can we realize our real problem?
What makes people stressed? What make adults and children fall into serious stress? The answer is the problem in modern society.
"Confusion of goals and perfection of means seems, in my opinion, to characterize our age." Albert Einstein
"Failure is the result of major in minor things and minor in major things." Jim Rohn
In daily life, people try hard to perfect the tools but rarely any of them understand why they should do it. When they spent the time to do but do not know the purpose of actions, do not know why things need to be finished. Lacking purposes, they waste time and energy on minor stuff. They like to do minor things at the major time. Running out of time so they have to do major things in minor time. They get exhausted but do not achieve any worthwhile things. They work ineffectively, over time, they become angry and stressful with the conditional they made. If list down every day all the thoughts they have, the emotions they have, the belief they have, the words they talk, the ways of using time and other resources; the action and reaction they take; the experienced people reading these lists can see that most people have the pattern that leads to failure. Most people in our modern society have the patterns of failure in many areas of life like financial management, personnel management, family management, health management, career management, and emotional management. The individuals with the pattern of failure will get endless problems. Most people with the pattern of failure become anger and stress with the results and problems they created. Even worse, because of anger and stress, they unconsciously create stress for their beloved, their children, their spouse, their friends, their relatives and related people. They have blindly conditioned the negative responses in their beloved. They are creators and the receiver of the misery for themselves and their beloved.
People only care to feed the bodies, feeding the sensual feelings and casually feeding desires. They do not care to feed the mind, feeding the soul, and feeding the spiritual life. They do not care to satisfy the desire of love and connection of their beloved. They do not care to satisfy the six basic needs of other people. Reading the advice of Mother Teresa, we will know that people around us are hungry for many intangible things. We can help them by satisfying their hunger.

· “Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.”
· “Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go.”
· “Love begins by taking care of the closest ones - the ones at home.”
· “Even the rich are hungry for love, for being cared for, for being wanted, for having someone to call their own.”
· “The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we are happy to do it.”
· “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”
How can we eliminate autism, depression, diseases, health problems and many social problems in our society? These are the problems or the misery in modern society. Buddha showed the real causes of the misery of people 2500 years ago. The causes are the lust, hatred, and delusion. The most effective way is to satisfy or support the satisfaction the hunger of the basics needs of human beings. for love, being cared for, being wanted by people by connection and love.
Masters teach:
“Human beings are not special as they think.
Human beings are not smart as they think.”
Looking at the way of allocating all social resources, the way of rich countries allocate their money, smart people do not sure about the fate of human beings.
Any Chief financial officers of any organization see this allocation of money, and resources they will have the strong gut feelings about the destination of the organization. If we still do the ways we used to do, we will end in misery and extinct sooner than we think. Any women who control the spending of money seeing the pattern of distribution of the wealthy in any family will have the gut feelings of sooner things will happen. Perhaps because of lacking the vital few, lacking trust, people are spending on weapons with the hope of keeping the peace.
Table 27: Discretionary spending 2015 of America
Table 27: Discretionary spending 2015 of America
$ 596.5 Billion
$ 72.9 Billion
$ 70 billion
Medicare & health
$ 66 billion
Veteran’s benefits
$ 65.3 billion
Housing & community
$ 63.2 billion
International affairs
$ 40.9 billion
Energy & Environment
$ 39.1 Billion
$ 29.7 Billion
Social security, unemployment & labor
$ 29.1 billion
$26.3 billion
Food and Agriculture
$ 13.1 billion
$ 1.110 billion
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org wiki/2015_United_States_ federal_budget
Global spending on health will expect to increase to $18280 billion worldwide by 2040. The money spend on finds the good feelings for the people, they may forget that they have the abilities of self-healing and the abilities to heal for their friends, spouses, relatives, and children. If we do not awake, we will end up all money for useless possessions, robots, plastic world, weapons, wars, and medication; which brings the illusion of safety, significance, relaxation, certainty, development, and contribution.
$ 596.5 Billion
$ 72.9 Billion
$ 70 billion
Medicare & health
$ 66 billion
Veteran’s benefits
$ 65.3 billion
Housing & community
$ 63.2 billion
International affairs
$ 40.9 billion
Energy & Environment
$ 39.1 Billion
$ 29.7 Billion
Social security, unemployment & labor
$ 29.1 billion
$26.3 billion
Food and Agriculture
$ 13.1 billion
$ 1.110 billion
Let see to have a relative meaning of the global spending on health in 2040. The GDP of 2016 of United States is $ 18569 billion; the European Union is $ 16408 billion; China is $ 11218 billion; Japan is $4938 billion; Germany is $ 3,466 billion; the United Kingdom is $ 2629 billion, and France is $ 2463 billion.
47. The Gods and religions have taught us.
Many religions have precepts similar to this teaching of the Savior. The accompanying table lists several.
What is hateful to you, do not to your fellowmen. That is the entire Law; all the rest is commentary.
Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.
Surely it is the maxim of loving-kindness: Do not unto others that you would not have them do unto you.
No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.
The Way that can be told of is not an unvarying way;
The names that can be named are not unvarying names.
It was from the Nameless that Heaven and Earth sprang;
Mastering yourself to follow Tao was true power.
I have three things to teach: compassion, simplicity, and patience.
Lao Tzu taught mastering others was the strength. Buddha 2500 years ago taught about how to end misery in life. Misery in life created by human beings. It appears in every aspect of life with the name of diseases, problems, and sufferings. In the teaching of Buddha, people suffer misery because of their lust, hatred, and ignorance.
Lustful people are so greedy for many things; they have a lot of needs. They want to possess many things, they want everything meets their expectation to have the feelings of happiness. They come to life with many wants, needs, expectations. They are obsessed with the possessing many things to have happy feelings. After possessing new things, they get bored with news thing very quickly, and they start to want to have other things. Greedy people always find that they lack many things even they may live in abundance. Lustful people with a lot of desires wants and expectations are the weakest people; they will easily become disappointed with many unwanted things; they easily anger if the condition does not meet their expectations. Easily become disappointed and angry, they constantly active the process of creating the stress chemicals, their body is constantly flushed with stress chemicals. Greedy people never experience real joy and happiness. They are the people have many obvious symptoms of stress described in table three: the most symptoms of stress that we can find in many patients. If they live in abundance, greedy people are the weakest people, their happiness belongs to other people, belong to outside condition; which is constantly changing. Their unconscious mind works all day to protects her greed. They never feel the moment of peace, the moment of stillness in mind. They are the victim of their lust.
Having one car to meet your basic need can create happiness, but having five supercars to meet the greed can create misery. Warren Buffet and Headed Buffet are the examples.
Satisfying the basic need creates joy and happiness, but satisfying the greed is the first step to the hell. Hell means there will be ceaseless of pain and suffering. Greedy people are the victims of their and the creators of problems around them.
What is hateful to you, do not to your fellowmen. That is the entire Law; all the rest is commentary.
Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.
Surely it is the maxim of loving-kindness: Do not unto others that you would not have them do unto you.
No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.
The Way that can be told of is not an unvarying way;
The names that can be named are not unvarying names.
It was from the Nameless that Heaven and Earth sprang;
Mastering yourself to follow Tao was true power.
I have three things to teach: compassion, simplicity, and patience.
Having one car to meet your basic need can create happiness, but having five supercars to meet the greed can create misery. Warren Buffet and Headed Buffet are the examples.
Satisfying the basic need creates joy and happiness, but satisfying the greed is the first step to the hell. Hell means there will be ceaseless of pain and suffering. Greedy people are the victims of their and the creators of problems around them.

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