All are suffering stress because of treating poorly with each other. She/ he/ kids do not suffer alone. All can check to see the state of the world.If yes, only medication, pain reliever, opioids are useless:
The brain is the most important organ in the body: accounts for 3% of body weight but consumes 20% of body's energy. The quality of brain determines the quality of mind or thinking. And the food of thinking is ideas. What is the food you feed the mind of you, your spouse, and kids every day? How and What effect if kids suffer silently long-term stress. They will never learn all their social skills to live well in society. English, Vietnamese, walking, driving, skating, talking, discussing is never easy at all to learn. but kids in happy and suitable support can have all of this and make it as the kids' instinct, Belief that all do not know. But these skills will be very difficult to learn. Golden time for forming the brain and learning may be lost. They may live under stress for years. Who else may be lack of social skill or EQ? The advantage of living may make the disadvantage of thinking and abilities. The brain is the most important organ in the body: accounts for 3% of body weight but consumes 20% of body's energy. Any small defect in the brain can make mental and physical health in poor quality. The mind is irrational, AI cannot create the human mind, because of its irrationality. Why scientists, statistic try to put the mind and mind function in the diagram, number, and equation? The mind is different from bacteria, gut, stomach, bone, tissue. The first is Irrational, the second one is logical. So the same problems with the second ones can be treated with the same pills but the first one. The mind is irrational, so that who sense the most, feel the most can understand and control the mind. They are leaders, religious leaders, artists, composers, educators, and philosophers. The ones understand least maybe scientists and statistics, they try to rationalize the mind. The Time of mind is the time of creativity, time of irrationality, and time of illogic. Maybe the fearful time for the logical ones: scientists, statistics, autistic, ADHD, depressive ones, and mentally ill ones. Maybe this is the proof that we are wrong when trying to logic the mind, and mind characters in to same pills, rigid protocols, without listening and understanding: economic soaring, pharmaceutical industry soaring, standard of living is the highest ever, But the number of people commits suicide, homicide, gunfire, taking mental medication, taking all other medications are soaring also, problems in family, school, society, world are soaring also. With logical mind and logic number, we will never know what is happening. |
"Because of you
The world is spending half of it money: $ thousand billion on buying the weapon for finding safety, certainty or peace. Then they spend $ thousand billion on expensive medicine, luxury products, cars, villas for find the feeling of significance, recognition, importance, with the hope of sleeping well, relaxing, relieving, and enjoying the artificial comfort and happiness?
A stressed moment can kill a student
Real needs of human being and real lack of modern people:
3. Unstressed environment: happy, warm, cheering; then make them have the feeling of safety, certainty to work, try, play, do and fail... they have more skill and abilities to deal with the needed problems, the challenge in life.
- ADHD, Autism in the city is significantly higher than in the countryside, even the city has a better standard of living, eating,.. but they lack connection, freely play, learn from nature and other kids. Children in have more abilities to adapt to stress than in the city. But they got another stress, problems.
- Scientists see that Oxytocin can help an autistic child, they are doing more research to carry it on the autistic child in the future.
- Children in the orphanage may have enough food, protection, and less stress but they lack love, intimate connection with parents so most of them have problems with social skills.
Learning of our angels “You do not teach healthy kids to learn the languages: English, Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese... but kids can make it become their instinct. That is the nature of learning without learning, Kid under three years old can do this as instinct. Will the infants/kids develop well in the stress environment? The facts are there are many old never have to sit in the table to learn, but they learn every time with joy” • “Nature of learning is learning without stress, learn just with joy, enthusiasm, with love, endless energy, and participate of all intelligence. The environment just supplies Unconditioned Love, Connection – Understanding, Encourage Environment, and Chances of Building Abilities.” • “Walking, thinking, speaking native languages, studying countless skills: one-year-old kids, two-year-old kids, three-year-old kids never have to sit at the table to learn. But that time kids can learn more than anybody can imagine. Think about that before any blind intervention.” • “Playing is learning, watching is learning, sleeping is learning, and doing are learning… Kids may experience “Flow” from the early stage of life. Kids’ most powerful tools are the weakness, beloved, cute, enthusiasm, pay attention, curiosity, asking, imagining, and learn, try, fail, think, learn, try, fail, think, learn, try, fail, think With Joy and safety. Think about that before each time of intervention.” • “Best for kids: accept we may wrong to learn to create chances for kids grow. Socrates smart because he said he did not know anything. I feel cramp of Gut feelings when seeing the parents of kids with lots of problems said they know all things and start to blame all things except themselves for their problems.” |
Watching the “Distribution of unsafe abortion per 1000 women aged 15 to 44 years around the world” and “Prevalence rates of intimate partner violence by WHO region in 2010” to understand better how ignorant human beings have rightly made with other human beings.
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Sad chorus |
People in the stressed world find drugs like “cocaine, cannabis, amphetamine stimulants, opioids, solvents and inhalants, sedatives” to relieve pain and find temporary good state. Let look at “What drugs countries seek treatment for.” And “World Wealth level around the world in every year”
Seasonal stress in the developed world
Table 23: Top 10 American children’s health concerns, 2011
Ø County with the highest level prevalence of frequent mental distress among United States Adults: 2003 - 2009 is the Southeast United States or urban areas.
Season of stress, not the season of heat and cold
TEACHING OF Lao Tzu help us understand our problem.
1. Tao and Primal Virtue:
Under stress state, cardiovascular medication only makes the temporary relief.
When the blood pressure high, glucose high, the organ may send the feedback signal for the brain to stop secreting a hormone, and self-regulation mechanism activated. The brain still wants to raise the preparation of the body to a higher level to prepare for fight and flight. The brain may see other organs as the preventer or enemy. The immune system starts to attack its own organs: the autoimmune diseases.
Luckily, Meditation can help calm your mind, get inner peace. Moreover, the act of kindness, goodness, selfless action brings peace for all: doers, receivers, and watchers.
Stop the thinking process; observing the comfort, relaxation, and lightness of the body. Just breathing in and breathing out with the observing. Practice for at least three to five minutes.
It is so profound and simple to raise a healthy, smart kid. Profound because the scientists and Ph.D. therapists may not fully know. Simple because most the rich, poor, illiterature can and are doing it?Kỳ diệu nhưng đơn giản để có con giỏi, khỏe, thông minh. Kỳ diệu vì chuyên gia, tiến sĩ, bác sĩ đều không hiểu hết. Đơn giản vì nhiều người thường, và các tầng lớp đã và đang làm được.
Language is a vital skill: with connect variation of sound to specific meaning, it is not easy at all, but it takes times and supports to gain it; it is skilled as others skills that they lack: it is not because of genes cause learning. RIGHT?
About Social skills, we can use the test of EQ to know how poor they are. No social skills: they suffer stress symptoms even at home, not only school or society.
Skills are learned, not born; genes and brain are symptoms, not cause. All are in the interdependent changing world.
Do you think they are stress because of lacking social skills so the suffer stress during interaction: even in families, school, and society? So they do not have a chance to learn, to grow and gain the vital skills. We are not alone the victims. Even millions people and therapist has cheated also. And to some extent, one not only the victims but also the creators.
One question: is gen first that we can predict 100% or genes is just a symptom. Symptoms in body call health mentally called cognitive, society called behaviors. And brain called brain problems. And now they find symptoms in Genes.
“You do not teach healthy kids to learn the languages: English, Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese... but kids can make it become their instinct. That is the nature of learning without learning, Kid under three years old can do this as instinct.
Will the infants/kids develop well in the stress environment? The facts are there are many old never have to sit on the table to learn, but they learn every time with joy”
• “Nature of learning is learning without stress, learn just with joy, enthusiasm, with love, endless energy, and participate in all intelligence. The environment just supplies Unconditioned Love, Connection – Understanding, Encourage Environment, and Chances of Building Abilities.”
Language is a vital skill: with connect variation of sound to specific meaning, it is not easy at all, but it takes times and supports to gain it; it is skilled as others skills that they lack: it is not because of genes cause learning. RIGHT?
The brain is the most important organ in the body: accounts for 3% of body weight but consumes 20% of body's energy. The quality of brain determines the quality of mind or thinking. And the food of thinking is ideas. What are the food you feed the mind of you, your spouse, and kids every day? How and What effect if kids suffer silently long-term stress. They will never learn all their social skills to live well in society. English, Vietnamese, walking, driving, skating, talking, discussing is never easy at all to learn. but kids in happy and suitable support can have all of this and make it as the kids' instinct, Belief that all do not know. But these skills will be very difficult to learn. Golden time for forming the brain and learning may be lost. They may live under stress for years. Who else may be lack of social skill or EQ? The advantage of living may make the disadvantage of thinking and abilities. The brain is the most important organ in the body: accounts for 3% of body weight but consumes 20% of body's energy. Any small defect in the brain can make mental and physical health in poor quality. The quality of brain determines the quality of mind or thinking. And the food of thinking is ideas. What is the food you feed the mind of you, spouse, and kids every day? The mind is irrational, AI cannot create the human mind, because of its irrationality. Why scientists, statistic try to put the mind and mind function in the diagram, number, and equation? The mind is different from bacteria, gut, stomach, bone, tissue. The first is Irrational, the second one is logical. So the same problems with the second ones can be treated with the same pills but the first one. The mind is irrational, so that who sense the most, feel the most can understand and control the mind. They are leaders, religious leaders, artists, composers, educators, and philosophers. The ones understand least maybe scientists and statistics, they try to rationalize the mind. The Time of mind is the time of creativity, time of irrationality, and time of illogic. Maybe the fearful time for the logical ones: scientists, statistics, autistic, ADHD, depressive ones, and mentally ill ones. Maybe this is the proof that we are wrong when try to logic the mind, and mind characters into same pills, rigid protocols, without compassion and understanding: economic soaring, pharmaceutical industry soaring, the standard of living is highest, But the number of people commits suicide, homicide, gunfire, taking mental medication, taking all other medications are soaring also, problems in family, school, society, world are soaring also. With logical mind and number, we will never know what is happening. Maybe this is the proof that we are wrong when try to logic the mind, and mind characters into same pills, rigid protocols, without listening and understanding: economic soaring, pharmaceutical industry soaring, the standard of living is the highest ever, But the number of people commit suicide, homicide, gunfire, taking mental medication, taking all other medications are soaring also, problems in family, school, society, world are soaring also. With logical mind and logic number, we will never know what is happening. |
Van Duy Dao. Awaken you wonderful we. Amazon. (2017)
Get The Book
It is in Mind.
Meditation, alternative therapies, NLP, Affirmation, love-hug-kindness can help to control and master the mind. Science reaches to the fail of finding a single cause of the diseases from the mind: mental illness, thinking, and poor abilities. Because the mind is not like body. The body will give away all you put in just in several hours or days according to its half-life: food, vegetable, medicines, chemical, additives, mercury, gold, nutrition. Even body can heal the small abnormal cause by X-ray. But the mind keeps all in the conscious mind and subconscious mind. Millions of events, phenomena called Negative thinking, negative events, negative emotions and negative experiences compound into the disease in mind, brain, body, abilities, genes, and health. It covers all terminologies in medical books. They are interdependent factors. How can Scientist figure out a single CAUSE? 5 minutes of rapping can affect whole life. 5 minutes of abusing can make victims fear whole life 1 minutes of bombing, earthquake, the killing can affect their whole life. It creates the conditioned of Fight and Flight that they can not consciously control. WAIT: but all successful people have experienced this. How? Do only medication? Nop: medication can help to control and relieve but cannot cure. Some Examples: Abraham Lincoln, Oprah Winfrey, their friends and their heroes, teachers. Who teaches this? Jame Allen, Abraham Maslow, Napoleon Hill, Benjamin Franklin, John Maxwell, Norman Vincent Peal, Buddha, God, hundreds of Self Help authors, leaders and religious leaders. They teach: Causes and Effects Sowing and reaping Compound effects of millions interdependent causes/effects. Try to find a single cause: we will fail. And SCIENTISTS HIT THE PARADOXES This makes Autistic Robot with extremely high IQ cannot catch abilities of human beings. Overstress may make depression and poor learning in adults so what does stress make on kids and infants. What pills for all? I see many victims. How, what pills for irrational hysterical coded Stress mind/ World??? Pavlov has taught about Conditioned Reflex. NLP take advantages of this with the science of mind and achievement. All art of communicating is using the knowledge of mind to talk, discuss and persuade people based on the need of people. THINGS ALL SHOULD KNOW IS PEOPLE ARE CONTROLLED BY HUMAN DRIVE: certainty, uncertainty, love and connection, significance, Growth, and contribution. Anger, anxiety, behavior, depressed, name, lack of mindfulness, lack of concentration, taboo, fear, happiness are Conditioned Responses; the are unconsciously coded and silently control us. It can explain why Alternative therapies help. So best of all is an effective combination the advantages of all therapist. Do you think the pills that pharmacy sell, therapist recommend, and Ph.D. created work for you? It is good for acute, know the causes. But IT JUST MAKE TEMPORARY and short-term. FOR LONG TERM, forget medication, start to find meditation. REDEFINE OF STRESS
The right definition of stress: human beings have basic human needs described by Abraham Maslow. Anything threatens of satisfying these needs will lead to Fight and Flight responses. IF people cannot change the situation, threaten, they will be the victims of STRESS AND STRESS HORMONES.
Felt signs caught by the Religious leader, artist, Educator, better than Ph.D., Scientist & Autistic machine. So NLP, affirmation, meditation is better than medicine, punishment How can we heal, prevent, treat the things we do not know? A lot of resources put in researching and carrying out but the trend of Suicide, Autism, ADHD, Gunfire are Soaring??? Autism, Depression, ADHD: need to read 3 signals: 1. Indifference: low energy/activities 2. Fight: overreact to things. 3. Fight: to the crowd has fear, anxiety, withdraw Every day, approximately 121 Americans take their own life. Ninety percent of all people who die by suicide have a diagnosable psychiatric disorder at the time of their death. PARADOXES OF HARVARD PARADOXES OF SCIENCE PARADOXES OF THE MORE. SORRY, With Coded hysterical angry stressed MIND/men, any tools: bottles, cars, trucks, airplanes, GUNS, protective tools, gas, protective weapons can become the tools to cheat, harm, make hurt or kill others. But with Coded grateful, happy, kind, peaceful MIND/men, any tools: bottles, cars, trucks, airplanes, GUNS, protective tools, gas, protective weapons can become the tools to help, make peace or heal others. It is not controlling the gun, but the most important is control the things that make the head use the gun It is not gun-control but most important is control what makes the mind want to use the gun to fire. SLEEPNESS COME FROM WORRY OF THE DISEASES OF YOUR CHILD, THE ANGER OF THE WORKPLACE, THE FEAR OF YOUR FAULT MAY BE REVEALED. What's pill? Pressure from Work, School, Study, Family. Ability smaller than PRESSURE leads to Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Headache, Distraction, Upset Stomach, and Blood pressure, blood glucose always raises for FIGHT & FLIGHT Mechanism. Problems start from MIND, MINDSET. They may suffer the minor or severe effect of STRESS. Problems come from Mindset, Symptomatic medication is useless, that is why patients have to take medication for weeks, months, years or the lifetime to calm the symptoms of Chronic diseases down. WHEN WILL WE INTERPRET STATE or QUALITY of HUMAN MIND into EVENTS, DISEASES, and DISASTERS. EVENTS: gunfire, homicide; DISEASES: autism, ADHD, Depression, Suicide, Chronic diseases, and DISASTERS: flood, Tsunami, Earthquake... and its increasing TREND is the interdependent phenomena?
It is in Mind.
The right definition of stress: human beings have basic human needs described by Abraham Maslow. Anything threatens of satisfying these needs will lead to Fight and Flight responses. IF people cannot change the situation, threaten, they will be the victims of STRESS AND STRESS HORMONES.
Felt signs caught by the Religious leader, artist, Educator, better than Ph.D., Scientist & Autistic machine. So NLP, affirmation, meditation is better than medicine, punishment
More reading:
Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You (VIDEO): Chorus of the good kids that parents do not know
Fighting at school, work: No love - Eminem
I JUST SUED THE SCHOOL SYSTEM !!!: He did with the place teach our kids

More reading:
Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You (VIDEO): Chorus of the good kids that parents do not know
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